-I lost my download link how can I get my files again?
- Use the customer support portal at the bottom right of your screen (be sure to add the order number!) we will resend out your download link as soon as possible.
-How do I install the presets?
- In every purchase download will be a .readme file with clear instructions on how to install the presets. In adobe premiere, you need to go to your effects library, find the “presets” folder, right click it then click import presets, then navigate to where you saved your purchased preset files and import them. Each product has a linked video tutorial on this on the product page as well!
-I updated my version of adobe premiere / after effects and all of my presets disappeared?
- Go to your main hard drive on your computer / laptop C: , click on your user profile , search for a file called “Effect Presets and Custom Items.prfpset.” Once you find your old preset and custom items file, copy and paste it into your new version of Adobe Premiere’s directory (if you hover over the new file you will see its location so that you may paste in the old file). Of course you could always reinstall the presets into Premiere the normal way but the above mentioned is much faster.
-What software do these presets work for?
- The compatible software is mentioned in the TITLE of every digital product. The video presets / templates are either for Adobe Premiere or After Effects unless specified in the title (Animation pack works for any software). The VOCAL presets only work for Logic Pro at the moment. We are currently striving to increase our product’s compatibility across all editing softwares.